Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy Mother's Day, Tabby

As mothers we draw inspiration and ideas from many sources: our own mothers, sisters, and aunts, or perhaps a good parenting book, and even trial and error!  And every once in a while we find a magical friend who is so thoughtful and conscientious in her parenting that we can't help but want to be like her!  Please leave an idea given to you by Tabby, an inspiration that found you through Tabby's writing, or your admiration for the mother that Tabby is.  We have lots to admire in our friend's parenting!  Share, share!


  1. Tabby helped me realize that its OK that my daughter doesn't fit into the box all the time. The way she did that? By making sure I knew Tabby didn't either when she was growing up. :-) Strong, fierce, independent women rarely fit molds. :-)

  2. Tabby's writing helped to teach me that the right child would find me eventually, even if the road to that child was not paved or smooth and that once I got there, by whatever means, I wouldn't look back. She was so right. Autumnbride

  3. Tabby you provided me with so much support at the times that I needed it most. I hope that my note here can return just a little of that back to you.

    I hope you will have your family all around you on Mother's Day. You will be in my thoughts on that day as well. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Glad to hear you're back in New York. I hope that means you're home. If so, please say "hi" to the mountains and river for me.


  4. Tabby always was so willing to share her experience...happiness, excitement, fear, doubt. It helped me feel like other Mother's we have great days & bad one.

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's day. We continue to wish the quick recovery.

  5. Tabby always supports me and makes me feel like I'm a great mother! She especially helps relieve me of my guilt of having "just one" child. Tabby, I'm thrilled that you are recovering are a fantastic (working) mother, and I admire you so much!

    xoxo, Ali

  6. Tabby, you have always inspired me to take care of ME and my marriage. You know how important a happy Mommy and a happy couple are to taking care of your child. I admire that and try to be like Tabby! I also admire your plain old thoughtfulness that you put into taking care of your DD. You study her, you think about her, and are SO purposeful and thoughtful in your actions with her. You are truly a Mommy Mentor. Happy Mother's Day, friend. Sending love and prayers for healing and strength.

  7. Tabby, you have always given great advice on figuring out how to balance your life. I am still working on this but hearing it is okay to do something for myself has helped me get closer to a good balance which in turn has helped me be a better mother. Plus, your great advice on how to style curly hair is invaluable. My DD 's hair looks great from some of your advice! :) Thanks for always being such a great mommy support.

    Lori (loriahc)

  8. Tabby, I always appreciate your sound advice. You are an inspiration to us all. I look forward to your return on the boards. Sending you wishes for your healing to be swift:)

  9. Much love and healing vibes to you this Mother's Day, Tabby!!


  10. Gosh, Tabby, there are so many ways I look up to you as a Mom. I mean, first, your devotion to your daughter is amazing. Not just your love for her, but the way you have structured your life and hers so that her needs are met. From the major to the minute, nothing escapes your attention or your care. Another thing (which others have mentioned) is the way that you take care of yourself and your marriage, because you recognize that that also contributes to our ability to be good mothers. And, finally, just the gentle calm with which you approach life -- it has inspired me on many occassions. You exude it. Its wonderful. A real gift.

    Wishing you a happy Mother's Day, and continued thoughts and prayers for your speedy recovery. We miss you and love you!!!

  11. Tabby, I wish you a wonderful Mother's Day, surrounded by both of your babies - DD and DDoggy!

    You are a rockstar Mommy and have been a wonderful example to me. Your support during the time I was waiting for my boy to find us through adoption was so wonderful.

    My thoughts and prayers for you continue on strong as you work through your recovery. We love you!

  12. Tabby has helped me so much in coming to terms with the life I have, with being purposeful in choosing my life and for seeing my life as full and blessed even when I'm struggling.

    Because of her example I have been able to not only imagine myself as a working Mom, but become more successful at it. I've figured out how to handle the demands of work and family and feel like most of the time I give enough to each.

    And so importantly Tabby has helped me see that a family of 3 is profoundly beautiful choice even when it doesn't come easy. For that I will never be able to thank her enough.

    Much love to Tabby as she heals - we look forward to having her back. She makes each of us a little better than we were.


  13. It's not often in life that you "meet" someone who gives generously, loves fiercely and inspires many. Tabby does. All the time. She is a role model for moms who work outside the home and I have found inspiration in that. She is a role model for advocating for your child and I have found inspiration in that. She is a role mode for graciously and wholeheartedly embracing life as a mom to one child and I have found inspiration in that.

    I will think of her on Mother's Day!

    Amy (AEYinCT)

  14. Happy Mother's Day Tabby!

    Xoxo, Liddy

  15. Tabby, You have taught me that a working mom can be a super kick ass mom. Thank you for being such a wonderful example of that. As you start rehab I know that you will tackle it like you do your career and motherhood. With focus, strength, humor, and determination. This will probably be your toughest job yet, but you will succeed! Happy Mother's Day. - Suzi

  16. Tabby I will be thinking of you this mother's day and what an inspiration you are to me as a mother. I am always so impressed with how well you know your daughter and how you are able to celebrate her in all her glory while at the same doing all the things you can to support her in being her happiest and healthiest. You always always take the time to offer, a bit of sage advice, a compliment, or just some heartfelt words of encouragement to everyone who needs it. I so hope that you can feel all the love that is coming towards you from all the people who you have given of yourself to so generously, and that it gives you a tiny bit of boost as you walk this long and hard road of recovery.
    Please know that I am thinking and praying for you and your family every single day.

  17. Happy Mother's Day, Tabby! You have inspired me in many ways a Mommy and also as a Friend! You have made me feel confident in the Mommy that I am to my DD. Thank you for that! You are always willing to support, encourage, and share your own experiences. You are quick with a kind word, hugs or just letting us know you are there for us. That has always meant a lot to me, and I have always looked forward to our interactions. I miss you! I wish you all the best as you continue to heal and get stronger each day. Hugs to you and your family...Lori

  18. Tabby, makes me feel less alone in raising a child that has needs that not all children have. She makes realize that when I am frustrated and spent it is ok, every moment and every choice are not always going to be right and perfect but i am still a good mom.

    Tabby, I hope that you are able to spend some time with DD on Mother's Day, I know that she loves and misses you and you her!

    Keep on working hard!

    God bless!

    Much love,
